Scroll down, and look for the Wi-Fi details under Properties. Click it, then click Properties underneath your current Wi-Fi connection. On Windows 10, find the Wi-Fi Connection icon in the taskbar.
How to Check Your Wi-Fi Security Type in Windows 10 So, let's explore how you check your connection type to ensure you're using the best. Now you understand why checking the type is essential and what you should be using, and why older protocols aren't as good. How to Know What Security Type Your WiFi Is It's likely to be the new WPA standard in the future, so it's a good idea to find out everything you need to know about WPA3. It's also easier to connect to a WPA3 router with a device with no display, and it has some additional features to protect against brute force attacks. With this new format, WPA3 brings better encryption on public networks to prevent hackers from harvesting information from them. WPA3 is the new kid on the block, and you can find it in routers produced in 2019. The Wi-Fi Protected Access 3 (WPA3) Protocol On March 13, 2006, the Wi-Fi Alliance stated that all future devices with the Wi-Fi trademark had to use WPA2. WPA2 was very successful and has maintained its position as the top protocol since 2004.
It replaced TKIP with the Counter Mode Cipher Block Chaining Message Authentication Code Protocol (CCMP), which did a better job of encrypting data. WPA2 is the successor to WPA and brings more features into the mix. The Wi-Fi Protected Access 2 (WPA2) Protocol It also introduced the Message Integrity Check, which scanned for any altered packets sent by hackers. This feature was a dynamic 128-bit key that was harder to break into than WEP's static, unchanging key. It has additional features over its older brother, such as the Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP). WPA arrived as WEP's successor due to the flaws that were found within WEP. The Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) Protocol Out of all the protocols, WEP is considered the least secure. Because of its age, it's still prevalent in the modern era within older systems. WEP is the oldest of the security types, entering the computing world in 1997. The Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) Protocol They're not all equally secure, which is vital to remember when checking your own network's protocol. Wi-Fi security comes in four different types. Let's explore the four Wi-Fi security types and see which ones are the best to use. Did you know that your Wi-Fi connection uses one of four different security types? While all of them are different, they're not all equal thus, it's essential to learn what security type your Wi-Fi is using.